woman on the couch exhausted after doing some chores that burn calories

Breaking Down the Household Chores that Burn the Most Calories

A gym is a polarizing place. To some, it’s a necessary stop at the beginning or end of each day. To others, it’s the place you begrudgingly go three times a week as necessary maintenance to keep your body in acceptable shape. And to many, the gym is a place filled with anxiety and disappointment to be avoided at all costs.

Regardless of where you fall on that scale, there are a number of things you can do to stay in shape while also avoiding the gym. Below is a quick breakdown of some of the most common chores that burn calories effectively, along with some insights from a few fitness industry experts.

Calorie-burning chores basics

You don’t need to look at fitness as a mountain whose peak is specifically reserved for those who work out twice a day and stick to a strict grilled chicken, veggies and rice diet. It’s a goal that you work toward over time by simply moving more mindfully during your everyday household chores and activities.

Baby steps

person walking up the steps

It’s no secret that in life, the little things add up. Exercise is no different in this regard. Casey Christianson from Body Transformation for Parents explains how quickly the little things can add up when it comes to meeting basic recommended weekly physical activity goals.

Casey explains, “Simply walking 10 minutes post-meal can not only help with the increased glucose spike in the meal but also increase physical activity. The recommended 150 minutes per week of physical activity is met in only five days at three meals per day.”

This is not an overly demanding standard to set and Casey notes, “Adding this element to the day can increase calorie expenditure and help to maintain a healthy body composition.”

All chores burn calories

“All everyday household chores DO burn calories,” Explains Barrie Street of Over50andfit.ca. “It’s just a matter of how much time and effort you put into doing them.”

If you’re looking to get the most bang for your buck, Barrie recommends sweeping, mopping and vacuuming. These chores are so effective at burning calories, explains Barrie, because, “With these activities, we are engaging several muscles in the body.”

Find joy in your chores

person vacuuming and doing chores that burn calories

“As someone who is obsessed with a clean house AND exercising, household chores are definitely something I don’t mind doing to burn extra calories and stay organized,” explains Brooke Cavalla of Struggles of a Fit Mom.

Brooke agrees with Barrie’s assessment that sweeping, mopping and vacuuming are the most effective household chores to burn calories. She explains, “If you really want to get your heart rate up and even sweat a little, vacuuming and mopping are going to burn a lot of calories.”

Brooke approaches each day with the goal of finding exercise opportunities — no matter how small — in her everyday activities. She claims, “You can burn the same amount of calories or more cleaning your house as you could going for a 45-minute walk. Why not get the most bang for your buck and incorporate both!”

“Just staying on your feet and cleaning your house for an extra 30-40 minutes a day can help you get your steps in and burn extra calories through something called ‘NEAT.’”

What is NEAT?

“NEAT” is an acronym that means “non-exercise activity thermogenesis.” NEAT refers to, “the number of calories you burn doing activities other than exercise.”

Household chores, like picking up around the house or doing dishes can serve as effective calorie-burning exercises. Sure, these activities may not accomplish as much as taking a lap around the track or knocking out a set of curls, but at least they don’t require you to leave the house or even put on athletic shorts.

Simply put, Brooke believes, “Cleaning your house is a great way to burn extra calories without actually exercising.” Do your chores with fitness in mind and recognize the exercise value found in every movement.

Calorie burning chores by body part

Check out this breakdown of some of the most effective chores at burning calories by the parts of the body they work.

Chores that work the upper body

person running a dish scrub under the water

  • Sweeping, mopping and vacuuming — As mentioned above, this trio is the most effective calorie-burning household chore due to the effort required and the muscle groups that are tasked.
  • Scrubbing dishes — Even if you have a dishwasher, everyone has items that are not dishwasher-friendly. Turn the inconvenience of handwashing and drying a few items into a little arm workout that will focus on your forearms and triceps. A few dishes can go a long way when scrubbed vigorously.
  • Ironing — While it’s not the same as pumping iron, ironing is a solid upper-body workout. Be mindful and methodic about the pressure you apply to the clothes and the pace you use. These two things will determine what you get out of the workout.

Chores that work the lower body

happy woman doing the laundry with a dog behind her

  • Walking the family pet — Whether it’s a dog, a cat, a ferret or anything in between, a walk is a walk. If you’re moving, you’re burning calories. Taking the family companion out for a 20+-minute walk each day is a great way to burn some calories and clear your mind in the process.
  • Doing the laundry — When you’re transferring clothes from the washer to the dryer, be sure to engage your legs when you lift. Once your clothes are dry, toss them into a laundry basket and walk them over to your designated folding spot. Pro tip: to burn extra calories, do some lunges with your full laundry basket in hand while you make your way to a flat surface for folding.

Chores that work the full body

older man carrying a bag of groceries

  • Rearranging furniture — It’s no secret, furniture is heavy. If you’re moving a couch, a table, a chair or anything substantial around your house, you’re using a combination of upper and lower body strength to get the job done. The result? A new apartment layout and some serious calorie-burning.
  • Bringing in the groceries — One of the most effective calorie-burning workouts in the gym is a farmer’s walk. The farmer’s walk is basically just walking while holding a heavy weight in each hand. Drop the dumbells, pick up a couple of full grocery bags and you’ve got yourself a prime calorie-burning chore.

Everything starts with effort

Regardless of whether you’re looking to burn a few calories, add a few inches to your biceps or drop a few inches from your waistline, everything starts with effort. Be mindful of your movements and consciously put in the effort to engage different muscle groups while you make your way through your typical household chores.

Today is the day to start putting in that effort and begin looking at each and every household chore you have to do as a workout waiting to happen. Bring your A-game every day and burn those calories!


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