1. Florida
  2. Coconut Creek
  3. The Renfrew Center of Florida

Houses for rent near The Renfrew Center of Florida, Coconut Creek, FL


114 Houses

Average Rent in Coconut Creek, FL

Avg. RentAnnual Change
Coconut Creek 1 Bed - $2,329+23%
Coconut Creek 2 Beds - $2,584-2%

Rent Houses in Cities Near The Renfrew Center of Florida

City1 Bed Price2 Beds Price
Fort Lauderdale, FL 14.5 miles$2,252$2,998
Parkland, FL 3.3 miles------
Coconut Creek, FL 5.3 miles$2,329$2,584
Boca Raton, FL 6.9 miles$2,664$3,260
Boca Del Mar, FL 2.4 miles------
Tedder, FL 5 miles------
Mission Bay, FL 3.3 miles------
Kendall Green, FL 6.5 miles------
Bonnie Lock-Woodsetter North, FL 5 miles------
Delray Beach, FL 11.7 miles$2,285$2,441

Rent Houses in Neighborhoods Near The Renfrew Center of Florida

Neighborhood1 Bed Price2 Beds Price
Boca Lago 1.9 miles---$2,319
Regency Lakes at Coconut Creek 1.5 miles$2,635$3,132