1. Texas
  2. Midland

1 Bedroom Houses for rent in Midland, TX


2 Houses

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Average Rent in Midland, TX

Avg. RentAnnual Change
Midland Studio - $1,035-
Midland 1 Bed - $1,336+2%
Midland 2 Beds - $1,677+22%

Rent Houses in Cities Near Midland

City1 Bed Price2 Beds Price
Gardendale, TX 17.8 miles------
Odessa, TX 20 miles$1,200$1,600
Stanton, TX 19.2 miles------
Midland, TX$1,336$1,677
Greenwood, TX 10.9 miles------

Rent Houses in Neighborhoods Near Midland

Neighborhood1 Bed Price2 Beds Price
Eastside Infill$875$1,113
250 Loop$1,434$1,767
Air and Space Port Area------